Tilabras Aquacultura Ltd.

Build the largest Tilapia farm in South America

Tilabras owns the largest tilapia license in Latin America. They began implementing their new tilapia farm in 2017. On behalf of the main investors, Value Dynamics got this new business off the ground. We established a global fact base about tilapia, developed a compelling strategy, and built the business from scratch.


The worldwide market for tilapia keeps growing, but the significant volumes farmed in China create a substantial price pressure. A thorough understanding of the global market and its risk and opportunities was needed, as well as a sound strategy on how to turn Brazil into a tilapia hotspot in the future. 


Together with the lead investor, Value Dynamics developed the entire business case from scratch. We could not have done this alone. We therefore complemented our core team with global experts in the field of fish farming, feed manufacturing, sustainability and corporate finance.


Two years after founding Tilabras, a team of 90 highly motivated people produces 4’5000 tons of fresh and delicious fish per year. Benefitting from one of the best locations available for fish farming, the fish grow faster and are healthier.