Dry Gin Company

Boost sales by expanding market reach

The client is the first London Dry Gin company from Latin America. Their traditional “one-shot”​ production method is all hand-crafted and 100% made in Brazil. To produce one of the finest London Dry Gins, they infuse fresh, local ingredients (12 in total) before the distillation for an exclusive and unique result. A quality Brazilian product that inspires sophistication and tradition. An experience that uncovers ingredients, culture and history into a contemporary reading of Brazil.


The main brand of the client was well-known in the club scene in São Paulo, but sales was not sufficient to finance operations on a long-term, sustainable basis. 


Value Dynamics helped this young company to compile a market fact-base and define a compelling growth strategy. We then worked with the company in managing the implementation phasee.


The client was able to successfully expand their market reach among restaurants and bars, as well as into specialized retailers across Brazil. This boosted sales and the company valuation.